Is your 2020 refund
"social distancing"?
We can help navigate it back!
Getting your full refund is important to you - and we understand. That's why we commit to providing quality service and precise filing, to ensure you receive the maximum return - Even with last year's filing.
We still offer our Early morning or Late Evening appointments* for people who are busy during the normal 9-to-5 hours. Schedule the time that works best for you online or over the phone. With our competitive prices, the cost of filing will be only a small part of your worries. Our goal is for you to meet your goals ... and then some.
At HonestyTax LLC, we value your time and your hard work. That's why our representatives look forward to providing a customized, hands-on service- at your convenience.
Virtual Filing or
At-Home Verification
HonestyTax LLC is taking all preventative measures to stay safe during this Coronavirus/COVID-19 epidemic. We are introducing virtual conferencing over multiple platforms and offering our "at-home verification" at a special discounted rate. For your convenience, our Early morning and Late evening appointments* are still available.
Virtual Filing: uses video conferencing, email, and/or fax.
And with At-Home Verification: Supporting documents [such as W2 forms] are scheduled for picked up at your home or work location. Services require valid picture identification and restrictions apply.
Click below to book your appointment today.

Stimulus Checks
The IRS has issued a second round of Covid-19 Stimulus Checks in the amount of $600 per person. To check the status of your payment, to see if you qualify for a payment, or to apply for the previous [$1200] stimulus- please visit the IRS
directly at https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/economic-impact-payments and select your option. For further assistance, contact us below.